Archive for the ‘Descargas’ Category
lunes, julio 6th, 2020

01. Pisando fuerte
02. Hombro con hombro
03. La nueva inquisición
04. La otra mejilla
05. Resistencia punk
06. Suicide circle
07. Duro corazón
08. A.C.A.B. (Policía no!)
09. El baile de los muertos
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Tags:acab, anarchopunk, anarkopunk, crust, crust punk, desadaptados, kaos koherente, Punk, punk rock, Ska
Posted in Arte, Descargas, Música | Comments Closed
martes, mayo 1st, 2018
Tags:1 de mayo, 1.mai, anarchopunk, anarcofeminismo, anarcopunk, anarcosindicalismo, anarkopunk, anarquismo, guatepunx, may day, Punks, Punks & skins, punx
Posted in Comunicados, Descargas, Fanzines, feminismo, graffiti, historia | Comments Closed
jueves, mayo 11th, 2017
click to see full size / click para agrandar

Tags:Alcalde, Alvaro Arzú, anarchopunk, anarcopunk, arte urbano, Arzú fascista, Ciudad de Guatemala, crust punk, doom, fuck the police, fuck you, graffiti, Guatemala, Guatemala City, hash420, plantilla, police bastard, Punk, stencil, street punk, tu eres la ciudad
Posted in Arte, Descargas | Comments Closed
viernes, julio 15th, 2016

1. Crepusculic Shadows – Lost in My Obscure Dreams
2. Ker – Latibule
3. Pergamo – Laodicéia
4. Funeral Art – En la oscuridad me encontraste (pero era yo quien te estaba buscando)
5. Huldrekall – Traversing the Borderland State
6. Othismos – Nessuna promessa di cambiamento
7. Seeds In Barren Fields – I Mörkrets Timme
8. Bertran De Born – Rethalhos-Infectus
9. Rhytmic Ceremonial Ritual – Glück
10. Eldrich – Lung Fiber
11. gudsforladt – Behold the Consequence
12. Danos – Fuck You From The Underground
13. Canis Lupus – (war and sun)
14. Welkend – Seelennebel
15. Deafest – Precipice [Catamount]
16. Arwenundomiel – Pulgoroz-Burz
17. Mirogoy – Serpent of the Ardennes pt. I
18. Autarch – Pleiades
19. Askesis – The Triumph Of Gravity
20. Bohrcurie – Lizards
21. Old Soul – Tome
22. Vvvlv – Homo Economicus
23. Tristeza Infinita – Devorados pela Europa
24. Black Trinity – Plague of the Sacred
25. Iarnvidjur – Das Götlliche
26. Mörkhimmel – Nepřítomný nepřítel
27. Batrakos – A cena col dimonio
28. Kultą – Птицы (together with Misha (Vólan) and Eli Mavrychev (VORVAŇ)
29. Addaura – The sun shines to-day also. (on the oaks of That Bird Hill)
30. Kronstadt – Bratrstvo Sibenic
31. Kluizenaer – Theodicee Van Het Kwaad
32. Seventh Genocide – Summer Dusk
33. Благо – Канибализм
34. Namet – Crnilo života
35. Vindkast – Unto the Earth
36. Herida Profunda – Big Business Pighole
37. Wisent – Danau Toba
38. Haeresis – Summit Cross
39. Seher – Geist
40. Hieros Gamos – Bella Ciao Black Metal
41. Shadow Lake – Forging Towards Annihilation
42. KVØID – Ending Our Reign
43. Vranac – Воля к смерти
44. Гниль – Смрад
45. Moro Moro Land – If you stand and fight
46. Regnvm Animale – Ars Moriendi
47. Nimrud – Ishkur
48. Leichnam – Black Tar
49. Diablop – Kler
50. Ast – Hypnos
51. Crudelis In Veternum – …. AETHERis Veternum
52. Brutal Morticínio – A Eterna Marcha da Devastação
53. Ghost Moth – Megarhyssa macrurus
100% of the proceeds of this compilation will go toward comrade Gimmy, G8 ( activist to help him with efforts for his gf funeral. His gf committed suicide while he is in cage. His letter:
«Hi everyone, i’m Francesco Puglisi a.k.a Gimmy. I’m in jail from 4th June 2013 after one year of rush with my gf Paola Ferla. I got arrested in Barcellona, Spain. Now I can say to all of you I decided to escape with her instead of go with my feet in jail. I write this because my lovely and libertarian Paola Ferla died (she’s not dead, she’s alive and fight close to me). She died in Genoa. Sounds crazy. I was condamned to spend 14 years after 10 years of agony and process. I write to you cause Paola’s parents still havent got money for funeral costs. 6000 euros. Moving Paola from Genoa to Canicattini bagni (Siracuse). I know out from here is hard and everyone of you have his troubles, but I ask you a little effort, to every anarchist comrades, all can be part of this cause with a revolutionary action, cause also help with the funeral of the gf of a comrade in jail for facts concern everyone, is a revulutionary action. »
The letter continues with how he met his gf. You can find it here in italian, but very simple to translate it online.
released May 30, 2016
Thanks to Hagiophobic for the art.
If you want to get the limited edition cassette write to
Tags:anarchopunk, anarcopunk, anarkopunk, Athens, Black Metal, crust, crust punk, Death metal, doom metal, Francesco Puglisi, Francesco Puglisi a.k.a Gimmy, g8, genova, gimmy, grren anarchist black metal, metal, Paola Ferla, rabm, Red & anarchist black metal, Resistance anti nsbm, resistencia anti nsbm
Posted in Arte, Descargas, Música | Comments Closed
miércoles, junio 24th, 2015

01. Mc Donald’s imperio de destrucción
02. Tan molesto como inútil
03. Descubre la farsa
04. Destellos de luz
05. El dogma niega la razón
06. Cállate
07. Los principios de la clase media
08. ¿Qué es violencia?
09. Acerca de los nacionalismos
10. El fin no justifica los medios
11. Los gritos del estado
12. Buscando respuestas
13. Tortura animal stop
14. J.A.S.P.
15. Revolución un grito de esperanza
16. Todo está pedido
17. Lucidez pasajera
18. Hombres salvajes
19. Bestias salvajes
20. Paz personal
21. Yerba y ruido
22. Revolución un grito de esperanza (remix)
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Tags:anarcopunk, hardcore punk, Puagh, Punk
Posted in Descargas, Música | Comments Closed
domingo, marzo 1st, 2015

1. Nihilist Waves – Where is the Unity
2. Doom – Nazi Die
3. Absolutist – Pain
4. Ruinas – Iconoclastas
5. Void Forger – Raise The Curtain (Jerry’s Kids)
6. Døde Rotter – Жоом
7. Mácula – Seguindo o Coração
8. Aurea – VI
9. Iskra – Cursed Realms of the Winter Demons
10. Human Host Body – Sankcije
11. G.U.O.R. – Quante volte…
12. Social Horror – Caracas
13. N.I.S. – Parassiti
14. Heädshöt – Slaves
15. Eternal Noire Doom – Dust
16. Norn – Ég Hata Ísland
17. Kalashnikov – Vampirizzati oggi
A group of around 60 fascists (mostly from CasaPound) attacked activists from Cremona’s Dordoni social centre. The attack on seven or eight activists was launched by around ten people, and very soon bolstered by 40 more. Emilio, one of the activists and someone very well known in Cremona, was beaten with a bar and then kicked in the face and head as he was lying on the ground. The attack appears to have been prepared in advance, taking advantage of a football match to bring together fascists from Parma, Brescia and other towns with those from Cremona. Emilio is now in a very serious condition, he is in coma. Dordoni’s activists have made a complaint that the fascists were merely identified by the police and then released but that the activists who were defending Dordoni were charged.
Anti-racist activists from Cremona and from all over Italy have called for a national anti-racist demonstration in Cremona on 24 January, and for solidarity demonstrations in many different cities. Clashes broke out at an anti-racist rally in Cremona, Italy when around 2,000 protesters took to the streets to object to this attack by far-right group supporters. According to La Stampa, the protesters were trying to reach the headquarters of CasaPound and broke windows and vandalised streets in the process.
This episode is not isolated: there have been many different attacks let by CasaPound or other far-right movements over the last few months. In September, in Naples, a high school student was beaten by some far-right individuals. In Rome, in November, a group of far-right militants attacked supporters of Ardita San Paolo football team.
All the money from this compilation will go to Emilio for medical care and to CSA Dordoni squaters.
Racism: the maximum of hatred for the minimum of reason.
Love music – hate racism!
Crust punk, anarcho punk, HC and HNW united.
Tags:anarchopunk, anarcopunk, Black Metal, Cremona, crust, crust punk, CSA Dordoni, Emilio, hardcore punk, italia, Red & anarchist black metal, Resistance anti nsbm, resistencia anti nsbm
Posted in Arte, Descargas, memoria, Noticias, Ocupación | Comments Closed
domingo, enero 11th, 2015

Canciones de lucha de los obreros anarquistas argentinos, guión de Osvaldo Bayer y voz de Héctor Alterio. Proviene de un vinilo editado por el anarquismo argentino y reeditado en CD en el 2005
01. Hijo del Pueblo (Himno Anarquista)
02. Recitado (Letra con que los anarquistas cantaban al iniciar sus actos, a principios del siglo XX)
03. Milonga social del payador libertario (Anónimo 1902)
04. Milonga anarquista (Anónimo 1906)
05. La verbena Anarquista (Anónimo 1905)
06. Este y aquel a Simon Radowisky (Letra de F. Gualtieri)
07. Guajiras rojas (Anónimo 1918)
08. Marsellesa anarquista (1907)
09. Semana trágica (Letra F. Gualtieri 1919)
10. Maldita burguesía (Habanera 1907, Anónimo)
11. Maldición de un maldito (F. Gualtieri 1926)
12. Guitarra roja (Martín Castro 1928)
13. Guerra a la burguesía (Tango 1901, Anónimo)
14. El deportado (Anónimo 1920. Canción del vagabundo de ‘Alma de Dios’)
15. El héroe (de un payador patagónico sobre el tema de F. Gualtieri)
16. Sacco y Vanzetti (Martín Castro 1928)
17. Marcha ‘A las barricadas’ (Himno anarquista. Guerra Cívil Española)
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Tags:anarchy, anarquia, anarquistas, los anarquistas 1904 - 1936, sacco y vanzetti
Posted in Descargas, Música | Comments Closed
martes, junio 10th, 2014

01 Inmortal Desigualdad
02 Autoritarismo = Muerte
03 No a la guerra, no a la paz
04 Te mienten
05 En tus manos
06 Caminando sobre Ruinas
07 Reflejo
08 Recupera tu Vida
09 Te Educan
10 Masacre Innecesaria
11 Musta Jumala (Terveet Kädet)
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Tags:anarcopunk, attack, crust, crust punk, d-beat, hardkore punk, Punk
Posted in Descargas, Música | Comments Closed
martes, junio 10th, 2014

Hardcore punk de Australia
01 A Vulgar Display Of Brute Force, Ignorance And Colonial Imperialism
02 Yes, I Will Continue To Mask Myself And Indulge In Molotov Cocktails For As Long As I Can See Clubs, Shields And Tear Gas
03 The Irony Of It All
04 Destroy This System
05 Don’t Try To Make Me Kiss Your Cronulla Cape Because I’ll Tear It From Your Shoulders And Shove It So Far Down Your Throat That You’ll Choke!
06 The Scourge
07 The Party At Sky City Will Fucking End
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Tags:Hardcore, hxc, Punk
Posted in Descargas, Música | Comments Closed
martes, junio 10th, 2014
otro disco de la banda warning de Guatemala
01 Punx no morirán
02 Victima inocente
03 Latinoamérica resiste
04 Miseria por armamento (cover Desviados)
05 Estado fallido
06 Terror
07 Paranoia
08 Colonialismo
09 Los mismos de siempre
10 No me digan que hacer
11 Stage punk
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Tags:anarcopunk, Guatemala, hardcore punk, latinoamerica, latinoamérica resiste, Punk, punk rock, street punk, warning
Posted in Arte, Descargas, historia, Madre tierra, memoria, Música | Comments Closed